Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Labex CominLab Descent (2013-2018)

Participants : Davide Frey, Michel Raynal, François Taïani.

This project (2013-2018), which also involves researchers from Nantes (LS2N, former LINA), aims to provide fundamental programming blocks to support the construction of federations of plug computers (e.g. Raspberry pi). The project's overarching vision is that everyone should be able create cheap nano-clusters of domestic servers, host data and services and federate these resources with their friends, colleagues, and families.

ANR Project PAMELA (2016-2020)

Participants : Davide Frey, George Giakkoupis, François Taïani.

PAMELA is a collaborative ANR project involving Inria/IRISA, Inria Lille (MAGNET team), UMPC, Mediego and Snips. The project aims at developing machine learning theories and algorithms in order to learn local and personalized models from data distributed over networked infrastructures. This project seeks to provide fundamental answers to modern information systems built by interconnecting many personal devices holding private user data in the search of personalized suggestions and recommendations. A significant asset of the project is the quality of its industrial partners, Snips and Mediego, who bring in their expertise in privacy protection and distributed computing as well as use cases and datasets.

ANR Project OBrowser (2016-2020)

Participants : David Bromberg, Davide Frey, François Taïani.

OBrowser is a collaborative ANR project involving Inria, the University of Nantes, the University of South Brittany, and Orange. The project emerges from the vision of designing and deploying distributed applications on millions of machines using web-enabled technologies without relying on a cloud or a central authority. OBrowser proposes to build collaborative applications through a decentralized execution environment composed of users' browsers that autonomously manages issues such as communication, naming, heterogeneity, and scalability.

ANR Project DESCARTES (2016-2020)

Participants : George Giakkoupis, Michel Raynal, François Taïani.

DESCARTES is a collaborative ANR project involving Inria/IRISA, Labri (U. Bordeaux), IRIF (U. Paris Diderot), Inria Paris (GANG Team), Vérimag (Grenoble), LIF (Marseilles), and LS2N (former LINA, Nantes). The DESCARTES project aims at bridging the lack of a generic theoretical framework in order to unify the large body of fundamental knowledge on distributed computation that has been acquired over the last 40 years. In particular, the project's objective is to develop a systematic model of distributed computation that organizes the functionalities of a distributed computing system into reusable modular constructs assembled via well-defined mechanisms that maintain sound theoretical guarantees on the resulting system.

ANR-ERC Tremplin Project NDFUSION (2016-2018)

Participant : George Giakkoupis.

NDFUSION is an 18-month ANR project awarded to George Giakkoupis to support his preparation for his upcoming ERC grant application.

The idea of intervening in a network diffusion process to enhance or retard its spread has been studied in various contexts, e.g., to increase the spread or speed of diffusion by choosing an appropriate set of seed nodes, or achieve the opposite effect either by choosing a small set of nodes to remove, or by seeding a competing diffusion (e.g., to limit the spread of misinformation in a social network).

Labex CominLab PROFILE (2016-2019)

Participants : David Bromberg, Davide Frey, François Taïani.

The PROFILE (2016-2019) project brings together experts from law, computer science (the Inria teams DIVERSE and ASAP/WIDE, the IRISA team DRUID) and sociology to address the challenges raised by online profiling, following a multidisciplinary approach. More precisely, the project will pursue two complementary and mutually informed lines of research: first, the project will investigate, design, and introduce a new right of opposition into privacy Law to better regulate profiling and to modify the behavior of commercial companies. Second, the project aims to provide users with the technical means they need to detect stealthy profiling techniques, and to control the extent of the digital traces they routinely produce.